Sunday, September 11, 2005


The owner of the agency called me yesterday. I need to give her a moniker. How about Sugar? Her voice is so little girly, sugary sweet when she talks to you. It's hard to tell if it's fake or not. You still can't help but like her. Even if she is also a tad flighty.
Well, yesterday I recieved a call from her, asking me for the 100th time if they had received my clearance letter from my Ob yet. I assured her that yes, they had it, it took her all of 5 seconds to locate it in my file.
"Well," she chirped "I may have found you a match already!"
She proceeded to tell me about a lady that has suffered ( if i remember this correctly) 4 or 5 late term pregnancy losses. One was a set of twins. Her Dr's had first diagnosed her with an incompetant cervix for the first couple of losses, then something else. With her latest loss they have decided it is an immune disorder. How heartbreaking. I can't even imagine. Her Dr's have suggested that she find a surrogate now.
Sugar told me that this lady sounds very warm and that she is a college professor. The other great thing is that the Professor and her husband live 2 hours from me. Sugar told the Professor a little about me, and the Professor was excited and told Sugar, to tell me to please wait until I have a look at her and her husband before I decide on another couple.
Sugar asked me if I would be interested in this couple, and if I minded her mailing them my pictures and my "sneak peek" packet of info this week. I agreed. If Professor and her husband like my profile, then I should recieve their profile and pictures to look over in about 2 weeks. Maybe less.
It's a funny feeling, knowing that people are looking at your picture, reading the answers in your information packet and the letter that you wrote to potential intended parents. I wonder what they're looking for and if they are excited or bored when they read about me.
Looks like things are about to get interesting.

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