Friday, July 07, 2006

I'm lovin' it

Carly's school offered to sell the teachers their laptops at the end of this school year. They're IBM Thinkpads, pentium III. They were selling them for $120 each. Carly bought hers. The teachers that didn't want theirs had to turn them in, and the school put them up for sale, same price, and the rest of the faculty could purchase them- limit of two. Carly bought me one for my birthday!

Our OB had asked me at our last visit to start spending more down time, as much bed and couch rest-feet up as possible. No reason, just that it's time to start slowing down as a precautionary measure. I asked him about being on the computer, and he said as long as I had a laptop, and was laying down he had no problem with it. He wants weight and pressure off of the cervix I guess. He just doesn't consider sitting at a regular computer for hours at a time as down time. Oops. I do a lot of that.

So, when the computers went up for sale this week Carly grabbed me one.
She brought it over last night, and we had a good visit. This was the first time she's come for a visit. She left her house at 9pm, and got here by 10. That was ok with me, as we both had things going on earlier in the evening. Allen sat and visited with us, and Carly didn't want to go home. I know she enjoyed herself because she stayed until 1:45am! Thank god I had a nap yesterday afternoon.

Today Allen brought everything home from work to set me up wireless.
Right now I'm laying in my bed. This totally rocks. Now If I could get someone to pack me a cooler with food and drinks, and I had a bed pan...


Cat, Galloping said...

You know this means we will be expecting much more regular updates from you!

bibliophile1978 said...

Fantastic! What a nice gesture from Carly. And I'm glad you two had a good visit. Sounds like things are looking up. :))

But I know you... listen to doctor's orders! Feet up and relax! ;)

Aileara said...

Rest, relax, enjoy it. I know the laptop will help a lot - how sweet of Carly! And get a cooler in there with some yummy food and beverages. As for the bedpan, sorry, no advice on that one. Hang in there!