Wednesday, April 05, 2006

13 weeks

Just a quick post to say that everything is A-OK.
I'm 13 weeks tomorrow, and things are going great.
We had our first Ob-Gyn visit Monday morning, and we got to have a quick peek at the little munchkins, and I didn't even have to take my pants off this time!
Hooray for abdominal ultrasounds!
We have our 18wk U/S scheduled. Hopefully the babes will cooperate and we'll find out the sexes. I scheduled it for the day after Mother's day- Monday May 15th.

Also, thank God for Zofran. I am feeling like my old self again.

More soon.


Cat, Galloping said...

glad everything is going a-okay. we demand more frequent updates!

bibliophile1978 said...

Glad to hear all is well. Thanks for the update. :))