Friday, November 25, 2005

Didn't think it would be this bad...

This is Kate when she was 4 years old, and Chewy was 1.
Kate is now 13.

I miss my dog when I go to get up off the couch, and I glance down to make sure I don't step on him. He always layed right underneath wherever I sat.

I miss him when someone comes to our door and we don't hear a deep warning "woof."

I miss him in the morning when I wake up alone. He always climbed into bed and slept in my husbands spot, beside me, as soon as my husband left at 7 am.

I miss him following me into each child's room as I tucked them into bed at night.

I miss having to make sure the door is completely shut behind us when we go out the front door, so he doesn't follow.

I miss watching him and my husband wrestle on the living room floor.

I miss kissing his big snout.

I miss him wandering up and laying his head in my lap while I'm sitting on the couch.

I miss my shadow. He followed me from room to room throughout the day. Everywhere.

I miss him coming into the kitchen after dinner, to see what handouts he could get.

I can't even finish this because I miss him so much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a fairly new reader, and generally lurk, but I just wanted to let you know I was sorry to hear about your dog. My oldest cat died suddenly two and a half years ago and I still miss her. She was the first cat that was all mine. The other cats do fill the void, but I still and will always miss her. Hang in there, and I hope the pain gets better.
