Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Shut down

I don't have much to say. I'm pretty nervous about tomorrow. With two prior experiences, both of them bad, I find that I'm trying not to think about it this time. I'm not allowing myself to get excited. I'm trying to just go through the motions, and not let my emotions run amok, like they did last year.
I'm trying to act as if tomorrow isn't the most important day in our cycle so far.
I've been trying not to dwell on this cycle too much, and just let the days pass by. Otherwise it's excrutiating slow and nerve wracking.

If you think about it, could you offer up some good wishes for and Carly and Ben around 10:30am EST tomorrow morning?

This couple has lost enough babies. 6 babies in 7 years. It's more than time for them to become parents.



Jessica said...

I just came across your post as I have been "roaming" infertility blogs for awhile now (my DH and I have been TTC#1 for 1.5 years and just experienced a m/c at 11w).

I just wanted to tell you I think it is absolutely amazing that you are being a surrogate! That is just awesome! Good luck and I hope all goes well!

Dee said...

Thank you so much Cougjess.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss.