Wednesday, November 09, 2005


So, I've talked to Carly about 4 or 5 times since we met. Every single phone call has been great. I've never, not once, felt uncomfortable or had any doubts about how we'll get along.
I'm seriously excited to start cycling. Carly and I both said that we have a very good feeling that we're going to get me pregnant. We know that they have good stuff to work with. That is, eggs and sperm. She has been working with our clinic for about 6 years now. Our clinic had gotten her pregnant 5 times. 3 times through IUI and 2 times through IVF.
Now, I know I'm tempting fate by even saying it. But I'm going to carry a healthy baby to term for them. Carly and I both know that it may not happen the first time. IVF is a crap shoot we know. Even with the best quality embryos, sometimes they just don't implant etc. But they're going to try again. Hopefully, we'll have enough embryos to freeze some from our first cycle- to try again if we need to. If not, she says we'll cycle again. She tells me, "Oh, we're going to get you pregnant girlfriend, don't you worry."
I LOVE her optimism. She's already told me to "be ready to do this again for us if it works."
In the surrogacy world we like to refer to this as a "Sibling Project."

Just for shits and giggles, here's my fantasy timeline.

Today is Wed Nov. 9th.
Psychologist receives our info from Sugar and calls me either today or tomorrow for an appt to be screened.
Appt for screening is set up for sometime between Nov11th and Nov 15th.
Screening gets done, and contract gets written up between parties.
Nov 14th Dr. Ego returns to office. (he's been away)
Nov 15th-20th We have a consultation with Dr. Ego.
Nov 23rd I have depot lupron shot. (the timing would be perfect)
Nov 30th would be cycle Day 1 (trust me, I'm like clockwork)
1st week of Dec Carly would start stim meds.
By Dec 15th at the latest Carly would have egg retreival.
By Dec 20th at the latest we'd have the transfer.
By New Years Eve we may know if it worked.

Now, I know that sounds far fetched, but let me tell you, with the last couple I worked with, since we had the same Dr as Carly and I have now, from the time Sally and I went to Dr.Ego for our first consultation, to the time of transfer, was only 5-6 weeks. Our second cycle was only 6 weeks as well.
It just so happens that Carly and I are only 4 days apart in our cycle right now naturally. It won't be any problem to sync us, I know that.
I also know that Dr. Ego doesn't play aroound. Once you're ready to get started, he gets started with the very next opportunity. That's what he did with Sally and I, and we were both new there.
With Carly and I, she has been with his clinic for years, and I've already had all of my preliminary stuff done, and cycled with them two times this year, and my records are right there. They've already got everything they need.
And it just so happens that right after he would see us (if we can see him the week of the 15th) is the point in my cycle I would have lupron started.

Ok- I know that it would be a stretch for everything to fall into place like that.

So my logical mind says there will be a little snag somewhere. The psychologist won't be able to see us for a week or two, and neither can Dr Ego.
That means we catch our next periods at the end of Dec, and transfer in Jan.
And if all goes haywire, we'll be transferring in Feb.

No matter what, it's going to be soon. I can't wait.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. Your clinic sounds smooth. Mine is started to get under my skin. I'm so glad its working out with Carly. She sounds great. (as do you, of course!)