Today's ultrasound and blood letting was just super, thanks for asking.
Baby A measured 15.3mm and 7wks 6days and Baby B measured 16.0mm and 8wks 0days. For some reason, the machine at my clinic doesn't have a measurement for the heartrates, but they were both nice and fast, just the way they should be. My nurse also saw the amniotic sacs forming(and she showed me), which is just what she was looking for this week. The babies definitely had a baby shape to them this week, which was cool. They're still blobs, but more like baby blobs with head, arm and legs buds. Very cool.
My levels were as follows.
HCG 100,000+
Progesterone 28
Estrogen 1600+
Starting today I am being weened off of my meds.
I don't have to take the Estrace tablets anymore, but I still have to wear my Climara patches.
I don't have to take my Crinone suppositories, but I do have to do my 2cc injections of PIO every other night.
Basically my meds were cut in half. I'm good with that.
Feeling very nauseous today. Going to lay back down.
And hey, thanks to everyone who's commented lately. I'm digging that.
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Thanks for the updates. I'm so glad the babies are doing well!
I know it's tough when you're nauseated, but if there's ever been a good kind of feeling yucky, this is it! :))
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