Wednesday, March 08, 2006

It's only a spot, right?

Ok, I just went to the bathroom and a round spot of bright red blood was on the toilet paper.
(thanks to all all of the journals I read, I'm an obsessive toilet paper checker now)
I havent had sex, nor do I have any other reason to give.
The spot was about the size of an eraser head.
Small, I know but I'm freaking out just a little.
Praying that it's nothing.
Here's the thing. Call Carly or no?
I'm leaning towards no, just because I don't want to freak her out. But, I know she wants to know, and surely has a right to know every little detail. We talk every day, and she quizzes me on my symptoms, etc.


Anonymous said...

Can you call a doctor or a nurse line or something and then talk to Carly after you have something reassuring or at least some sort of action plan to tell her?

Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous. She should know but not before you get some reassurance from a doctor so that she and you both don't freak out. Hope everything is fine and this is one of those "normal" things.

Anonymous said...

I agree, talk to/see your doctor first so you will have more information when you call Carly. A single isolated bleeding episode without other symptoms is often of no consequence, but any bleeding in pregnancy should be evaluated. I assume Carly doesn't know about this blog, otherwise you wouldn't be posting the question. It does seem a bit strange that so many in the blogging world are aware of this personal story without her knowledge.