Monday, October 16, 2006

So soon?

I just want to take a minute and address the comments/questions/concerns about my possible second surrogacy.
I don't know why, but I'm feeling a little sensitive about the questions on this subject.

The babies were born September 1st. I just received 4 couples' profiles last week. It will be November at the earliest before I would be able to meet any of them, probably December before a contract was in place, January by the time a cycle could start and February for a transfer. And that's as FAST as I could see it happening. A February/March/April transfer is what would be realistic, if I decided to continue along this path, trying to do a second surrogacy. That puts me at the 5,6,or 7 month post pregnancy mark. I don't feel that's too soon to get pregnant again, and neither does my OB.
I just hope that the questions I've been getting about this are from a good place, and not out of judgement. Those that are judging me can kiss my butt.

Out off the 4 profiles that I got, 1 had me in tears (I had to put it down, dry my eyes and take a deep breath before I could pick it up again.)
1 I felt some strange connection/I feel like I already know them feeling.
1 I felt compelled to help (due to various factors)
and 1 I was indifferent about.

More about these couples, and what's going on, later.


JK said...

I didn't post asking about the "soonness" of a second surrogacy, but if I had asked questions it would have only been out of concern for your well being :-).

I had 2 back to back pregnancies (my own) just 6.5 months apart and it was very hard on me. Of course I was still nursing the first baby (and did so all the way through the second pregnancy) so that was extra draining.

I also had hurt my lower back and it still isn't better.

I think doing a surrogacy sounds wonderful and amazing. Just take care of you :-).

Cat, Galloping said...

i hope you know me well enough by now to know that i'm not judging. i think what you do is amazing. i was only reacting to the little you had written, which made it seem like the experience hadn't been exactly what you'd hoped it would be, and also that pregnancy seemed physically uncomfortable. so i was suprised you were ready to start the process again, but absolutely not judging, except in the most positive possible way. i apologize if i hurt your feelings.

bibliophile1978 said...

Who has the right to judge you?

No one!

If people here are asking about your decision to do a second surrogacy soon, I'm sure that, LIKE ME, it's only because they are concerned about YOU, and your well-being. If the OB says it's okay, then that's great! Go for it!

But, like "cat," if I did ask, it was only because some of your comments about the experience were not so positive. I'm so sorry if my questions hurt you. :((

However, I get it now--during the tough times, you were speaking in the moment; but your overall experience of helping a couple was miraculous, beautiful, and definitely worth it!

PLEASE know that I'm behind you 110%! You are an amazing, generous woman! I admire you so much.


bibliophile1978 said...


About the couples--how on earth do you choose?! Like you said, three out of four touched your heart!

That's another reason why, now, I can understand why you'd want to do a second surrogacy as soon as possible. There are so many deserving couples out there who are looking for a special woman like you, to make their dreams of a family come true! :))

Anonymous said...

D: Any of my comments stemmed from my own ambiguity about doing this again, not from any judgement of your decision to get started "so soon." We all know how long the first stages can take -- as you outlined in your post -- and I guess I'm just admiring your decisiveness. I haven't gotten there yet and have no idea how I'll feel when this journey is complete.

Hostile in Ohio said...

You are an amazing person. I can't imagine doing a surrogacy at all (course with my history of problems with pregnancy I'm nobody else can either!), and you are able to selflessly "rent" (can't think of a good term) your womb to people to help them have a family.

Thatis just wonderful. If YOU think you'll be ready, then I think you can do it :-)