Monday, July 03, 2006

Really Quick

1) I'll be 26 weeks this Thursday!

2) Had our 25 week check up last week, measuring 30 weeks, no protein in urine, BP perfect, 2lb weight gain (for a total of 10 lbs so far), took the gestational diabetes 1 hr test.

3) Dr's office called 2 days later. I failed the 1 hour GD test. Dammit. I've never flunked one of those before. Going for the dreaded 3 hr test this Wed.

4) Had my 33rd birthday last Tuesday. Ugh.


Anonymous said...

1. Happy Birthday!

2. 10 pounds? Are you friggin' kiddin' me? I've gained THAT already! Looks like I'll be lying about my starting weight...

3. Sorry about the GD test. Hope the next one is better...

bibliophile1978 said...

Sounds like you are doing great! As for the GD, don't freak out if it comes back positive (although I know Someone Else is probably already freaking out). I am hoping it comes back negative, but if it is positive, remember you've got a friend here who has been through it, too. :))

P.S. 10 pounds!? You should be proud!

Aileara said...

Happy Birthday! Great check up too. I'm sorry the GD test wasn't so good, but let's pray the next one is

Cat, Galloping said...

5 weeks ahead?! only 10 lbs?! wow on both accounts!