Monday, May 15, 2006

The "big" ultrasound- 18 1/2 weeks

All measurements look great. Perfect. Well 90% of them. I have to go back in two weeks to get a couple shots of the heart, and I think one of the kidneys. Other than that, the babies look gorgeous.

Overheard during the ultrasound.

Tech to Baby A.

"Move baby. Move. Stretch out. Agh! Why are you all curled up like that? I can't see what you are!" (trying to find out the sex) Repeat.

Very skilled ultrasound Tech to Baby B.
Same thing. (trying to find out the sex) Repeat.

Then they made me go for a 5 minute walk to get the babies to move.

Then, Baby A, the one I've told Carly time and time again was a boy because he's rambunctious and kicks the crap out of me, opened it's legs.
The Tech froze the screen and said, "Ok, don't scream OK? Promise?"
We nodded. I could already tell what it was.
Carly said "It's a Boy?" (but she wasn't sure)
The Tech said "You're right!" We kinda screamed anyway. Not tooo loud though. The Tech (and her student laughed) I started crying because I'm a big sap.
Then the Tech quickly zoomed over to Baby B. I've told Carly she's a girl because her movements feel gentle and quiet. ;)
Right away the Tech got her shot, and froze the screen again. I didn't even have time to check out the screen before the Tech said, "Now this time, you PROMISE not to scream?" We nodded again, and Carly said "It's a girl?" with hope in her voice. The Tech said "Yep!"
I sat up like a rocket, and Carly started hugging me getting ultrasound gel all over her.
It was a great moment.

OK- have to go re-bandage Allen. (who is doing better day by day)
No time to spell check.



Cat, Galloping said...

how exciting! :)

(i never spell check.)

Kim said...

Wow. I can't believe it. I am sure Carly already knows how lucky she is but I am having a really hard time not being envious. My surrogate's 3rd beta is today. We are really hoping that the one baby is still hanging on. Keep up the good work and keep your fingers crossed for us. :)

Anonymous said...

Great news from the u/s! And I'm happy to see that Allen is recovering, too.

bibliophile1978 said...

How fantastic is that?! Carly must be thrilled.

Glad to hear everyone is doing well!

Anonymous said...

spell check is over-rated :o)

congrats on a great u/s so pleased for you all.

glad to hear Allen is improving too

Aileara said...

This is so exciting. I always seem to write that, but dangit, all this good news really is exciting. One of each - how wonderful. So glad Allen's improving each day. Will continue to send prayers for all of you. Umm, I spell

Anonymous said...

Just popping by to see if there was an update. Hope you are well and that Allen is on the mend.

Thinking of you both

Anonymous said...

It's been a while. Hope everything is alright and you and hubby are both doing well. Prayers to you both!