Monday, January 30, 2006


It's positive! 4 different home pregnancy tests, all are positive.
The nurse agreed to run a beta with my other levels that were being checked today.
She called at 3pm, and the beta is positive. She said that all of my levels are "very good" and to keep doing what I'm doing (meds wise) and to come back Friday for a repeat beta.

I am overwhelmed in a very good way. More soon.
Too tired to type.


Cat, Galloping said...

woohoo! congratulations! what awesome news.

Anonymous said...

That is so wonderful!! Congratulations to Carly, Ben and you!! What a great way to tell them!

Jessica said...

Congrats! That video brought tears to my eyes! Definitely an awesome way to tell them. Looking forward to following more of your story...

Anonymous said...

Wow! I knew it! Plus, I think you've got more than one in there...They are so lucky to have found you. Congrats!

bibliophile1978 said...

OMG, I am so happy, and so relieved for you...the video is beautiful...God bless and keep all of you healthy for the next 38 weeks!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Congrats! I'm a lurker, but that was just beautiful. What a nice thing to put together for Carly. Congrats again and best wishes for a healthy 9 months!

Stacy said...

Congrats to you all!! That is so wonderful! I cried when I saw it...especially the one that says "pregnant". It seems to get rid of any ambiguity. Truly truly wonderful.

JK said...

Absolutely wonderful! I didn't see a video that others were talking about.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, this is very exciting news.