Saturday, December 03, 2005

Next Month!

Well here we are in December. I can finally say that we're having our transfer next month. Next month!

Carly and I talk on the phone a couple of times a week. Every time we talk, it reinforces to me how lucky we are. She's great. Warm, loving, talkative.
We get so excited in our phone calls that we often talk over each other. It's like we both have so much to say, and we just can't hold it in. We're constantly telling each other how great we think the other person is. I told her the other day that we have our own Mutual Admiration Society. She just laughed and agreed.

She also mentioned to me yesterday she was talking to one of our nurses at the clinic and our nurse told her that they wished they had known after I wasn't working with Sally and Don anymore, that I was looking for another couple to work with. They would have loved to have had me surrogate for one of the many couples in need at our clinic. Carly told me that our nurse was being very complimentary about me. Carly laughed and said to me, "Well I'm glad that they didn't tell you that, or I would never have gotten you!"

What a sweetheart she is. She makes me feel very appreciated with her words. Remember one of my fears was being thought of as an employee? Well it's not going to happen with this couple, let me tell you. I can tell they value who I am and what I'm doing. They also appreciate my husband and his role in supporting what I'm doing. I feel very blessed to be helping this couple.

Carly and Ben have already asked us (the kids and all) to an annual family get-together on New Years Day, at their house. They're just thoughtful people and I appreciate that very much.

Last week when she and I were talking, she told me how she had just went to a Craft and Bead Show.
I said "What? I never knew they had those around here, I make jewellery."
She said " You do? So do I!"
I said " Actually, I've been looking for a certain stone, because I'm making you something."
She said, "No way! I was planning on making you something for Christmas!"

In other news..

Carly's period is due this weekend.
When we talked yesterday I told her to hurry up and start already.
Then I said "Go and have some good sex tonight, that'll get it going for sure."
and as I was saying that, she said, "Ben and I should do it tonight, that always gets it going." at the exact same time!
What a riot.
We're on the same wave length. Kinda scary.

So yeah. Things are good. I want January to BE HERE ALREADY!

I'm going to take my first birth control pill now ...

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