Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Things are good

Nothing much has happened progress-wise since I met Carly and Ben. Sugar sent our info to the psychologist and now we're just waiting for the psychologist to call us. She's going to set up an appointment for the four of us to be screened ,and make sure we aren't bat shit crazy. Then we will have our contract drawn up and then we'll meet with Dr.Ego (our RE). We should be starting to cycle by Dec. I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say that we'll have a January transfer. For sure by February.
More soon.


Anonymous said...


What is an RE? I'm not up on the gestational-surrogacy lingo yet.

Athought nothing much is happening right now, it sounds like lots will be happening soon. I'll be thinking of you. :))

Good luck, and keep us posted!

Dee said...

An RE is a Reproductive Endocinlogist. Ours is Dr.Ego, one of seven REs at our IVF clinic. He decides everything from what meds to put us on, he follows the progress of my hormones and lining build up, he monitors the progress of Carly's follicles and hormone levels, he decides when Carly will take her "trigger" shot so that her eggs are mature enough to retieve, he does the retreival procedure and he does the transfer, once the eggs have been fertilized and are growing and dividing sufficiently.
Love REs and hate them too. It's a fine line.

Dee said...

Oops. Forgot the r.


and I should add, they're for anyone to use. Not just gestational surrogacy. As a mtter of fact, some REs don't/won't even do a surrogate IVF procedure. There are at least 2 that I know of in our clinic that do in vitro fertilization, but only if the embryos are going back in the biological Mom.
They can suck eggs. :)