Yesterday I got to thinking. I wanted to check with Sugar and see if she was indeed going to mail the IPs sneek peek to me. Well the answer was no. She kind of laughed when I asked her, like I was some sort of idiot. "Oh noooo" she said (small giggle). "Once I get their information I look it over and then schedule a phone consult with them, they aren't even a part of my program yet."
Well duh. I knew that. But when I asked her the day before, WHEN would I get to see a sneek peek profile and pictures she specifically said "The IM told me that she is overnighting their paperwork to me today. I'll have it tomorrow. Then I'll make copies of their pictures and sneek peek profile and send it to you. So, 2 days. Isn't that exciting?"
Am I missing something? Now she's saying that once she calls and schedules a phone consultation, has the consultation, signs them up ( gets $), sends them MY sneek peek with pictures and they like me, THEN she will mail me some information. Jeebus lady. Of course this makes total sense to me, but that's NOT what she told me. She also told me back on September 11th that she was sending them my info! I inquired about that yesterday too. Same response. No, she doesn't send out my info until they are a part of her program. Again, not what she said back on the 11th. When I said Sugar was a little flighty, I wasn't kidding.
I asked her how long all of that should take. A week? Two? More? She said it will only be a week before I get to see their sneek peek profile. "Maybe sooner!" she said. We'll see.
So then I wrangled some more information out of her.
The IM is 39. I don't know her husband's age. They have suffered 5 pregnancy losses, one at 6 or 7 months. I found out the city that they live in. It is NOT the original city that Sugar thought they lived in, which was 2 hours from me. It is much closer, only 50 minutes from where I live. If this match works out, this couple will be able to be a part of everything that they want to be! How great is that?