2 days ago I was talking to my Mom on the phone. She was telling me that over the weekend, she and my step-dad had some friends over. 2 other couples. The friends had inquired about her children.
She gave them a quick update and when she got to me, she told them about the surrogacy.
I guess questions started to fly, and from what I can tell, my Mom did a damn fine job on educating them.
Of course there was the usual questions, like "Whose baby is it?"
She explained that it was Carly's egg and Ben's sperm.
They asked "Won't it be hard for her to give the baby up anyway?"
And my Mom told them exactly what I had told her when she asked that same question of me last year.
She answered " She's not giving it
up. She's giving it back. It wasn't hers to begin with."
They said " So she's just basically an incubator?"
"Well yes," my Mom gently agreed, but then clarified things in her own words " You don't know my daughter. This is what she's like. She's just going to tuck it into a safe place under her heart and carry it for a while."
My Mom made me cry. That's it exactly.
I was in the kitchen yesterday and Allen and TJ were in the adjoining living room.
TJ (talking to Allen about something) "Why did you give that to him?"
Allen "Cause I'm a good man."
TJ "Yep, my Dad is a nice man (looks over toward me) and my Mom is a nice lady."
Allen "She is."
TJ "And I'm glad that you married each other."
Allen "Me too, that makes two of us."
Last night I was in W@lgreenz, talking on my cell phone to Carly.
We were all over the place in our conversation. We started discussing our cycle, and how we feel about Dr.Ego. We talked about our clinic, and how they have the best live birth rates in our state. We talked about how out of the 7 doctors in our clinic, Dr.Ego has the best stats. We talked about how his personality really stinks though, as he is a research scientist, and he's really egotistical, cold and talks above you.
As I was wandering around the store, I was getting more and more passionate about our conversation. I forgot where I was, and my voice was raised.
Carly "Well his bedside manner really sucks, but since he's the best... that's all that really matters to me."
Now, no one was in the aisle while we were having this conversation. But like I said, I wasn't really paying much attention anyway, and I was talking way louder than I realized. I was one of
those people on their phones, you know the ones I'm talking about.
So I boom out " Absolutely! I feel the same way! I don't care how much of an asshole he is, as long as he gets me pregnant!"
And then I hear a snort of of laughter, and there's a lady who has entered the end of the aisle, and she's laughing as she walks past me.
I. Was. Mortified.
And as she passes me I stutter " No, NO! It's not like that!"
And she says, still laughing, "It's Ok honey, I know what you mean."
And now I just can't keep my mouth shut as I yell toward her as she leaving the aisle, " No really! You don't! We're talking about a Doctor! Not a guy! And..."
Carly was in hysterics listening to the whole thing.
I left the W@lgreenz without buying anything.